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GODS THRONE Beginner Energy Pack and Premium Packa

2024-6-25 14:50| 查看: 313| 评论: 0
摘要: GODS THRONE Beginner Energy Pack and Premium Packa
Dear players and friends

   Throne of the Gods has formulated a new recharge activity in order to give back to the players who have always supported us. This recharge package is divided into two stages, Beginner Energy Pack / Premium Pack. Players can choose to recharge according to their needs. Thank you so much !

GODS THRONE Beginner Energy Pack

10USD 10000Points
Light B-GOLD Sack* 1          
Level 2 Crystal * 50
All Suits of Nameplates* 1

20USD 20600Points
Medium B-GOLD Sack* 2    Level 3 Crystal* 50
Level 3 Sapphire* 4             Level 3 Emerald* 4              
All Suits of Nameplates* 2
smart egg* 1 (Tiger Baby/Easter Bunny/Ghost/Panda)

30 USD 30000Points
Large B-GOLD Sack* 1        Level 4 Crystal* 50
Level 4 Sapphire* 2             Level 4 Emerald* 2 
All Suits of Nameplates* 5
Any rare Magic Jade* 1

50 USD 52500Points
Large B-GOLD Sack* 2        Level 4 Crystal* 99
Level 4 Sapphire* 4             Level 4 Emerald* 4 
All Suits of Nameplates* 10
Any rare Magic Jade* 1
Any rare Lv2 Pet Skill* 1      Any LV60 mount* 1

GODS THRONE Premium Packa

50 USD 52500Points
Morning Dew 5* 15                 Spring Water* 3
Giant B-GOLD Sack* 1             Rank Spell* 20 
All Suits of Nameplates * 6      Skill Book lv4* 1
Magic Jade of your choice* 1
Lv2 Pet Skill of your choice* 1  
Mount lv90* 1                       Holy Box IV* 1

100USD 106000Points
Morning Dew 5* 30                 Spring Water* 7
Giant B-GOLD Sack* 3             Rank Spell * 40                 
All Suits of Nameplates* 20      Skill Book lv4* 1 
Mount lv100* 1                        Holy Box IV* 3 
Lv9 CHS* 1 + Lv9 HHS* 1                                            
Magic Jade of your choice* 3
Lv3 Pet Skill of your choice* 3

200 USD 214000Points
Morning Dew 5* 60                  Spring Water* 15
Giant B-GOLD Sack* 6              Rank Spell * 80
All Suits of Nameplates* 40       Hercules Fruit* 60 
Perfect Magic Jade* 30             Holy Box IV* 7
Lv10 CHS* 1 + Lv10 HHS* 1       Mount lv110* 1
Lv4 Pet Skill of your choice* 3    Skill Book lv5* 2
Epic lv80 Mount Gear* 1"

400 USD 432000Points
Morning Dew 5* 120                 Spring Water* 25
Giant B-GOLD Sack* 15             Rank Spell * 100
Perfect Magic Jade* 60              Hercules Fruit* 120  
All Suits of Nameplates* 80        Mount lv120* 1
Lv10 CHS* 2 + Lv10 HHS* 2       Holy Box IV * 12
Lv5 Pet skill of your choice* 3     Skill Book lv5* 4
Epic lvl100 Mount Gear* 1          Bruce Lee Suit* 1

800 USD 880000Points
Morning Dew 5* 210                 Spring Water* 45
Giant B-GOLD Sack* 25             Rank Spell * 160
Perfect Magic Jade* 120            Hercules Fruit* 160
All Suits of Nameplates* 150      Golden Gem* 5
Lv10 CHS* 3 + Lv10 HHS* 3      Holy Box IV * 22  
Lv6 Pet Skill of your choice* 3    Skill Book lv5* 8
Epic lvl120 Mount Gear* 1         Lv120 Mount AAD* 1





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