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GODS THRONE Game Introduction

2023-5-11 11:45| 查看: 1482| 评论: 0
摘要: GODS THRONE Game Introduction
GODS THRONE Game Introduction

GODS THRONE "is a 2.5D online game set in Greek mythology, independently developed by Tianmeng Digital Technology Co., Ltd. It embodies the efforts of a first-class development team and has various unique game systems. These include captivating storyline missions, fresh and beautiful scene scenes, free and open character growth, unpredictable battle patterns, and rich and colorful home communities, which can bring players a relaxed and enjoyable gaming experience. Meanwhile, ONLINE is also a highly entertaining virtual world.
GODS THRONE "is set in Greek mythology, and the story is locked in the semi divine era of Greek mythology. Players can appreciate the Greek charm in mythology. In the game, important gods and famous heroes from Greek mythology will also appear one by one. Through top-notch art embellishments, the game presents astonishing visual effects, with each scene in the game showcasing a unique landscape style, such as the majestic Spartan city, desolate and isolated deserts, lush forests of clear streams and grasslands, mysterious and dark marshes, and sunny beaches
Here is a further introduction to the system content of "GODS THRONE".
1. Game Type
GODS THRONE is an MMORPG set in Greek mythology.
2. Game Style
The game uses a fixed angle of 45 degrees and adopts a cute and fresh Q-version art style. It will not cause any discomfort for players who are accustomed to playing 2D.
3. Game Background
The game takes place in the mythological era of Greece, where gods, humans, demigods (with both divine and human lineages), and monsters live in the same world... In this world, players can travel to various destinations in Greek mythology, see majestic temples, experience legendary Greek cities, and even visit God's territory, reaching heaven and earth; Players can see heroes from Greek mythology, such as Hercules, Theseus, and Isazon, and perhaps even gods from Greek mythology at some point; Players can challenge monsters in Greek mythology.
4. Game Features
(1) GODS THRONE "is set in Greek mythology, and the story is locked in the semi divine era of Greek mythology. Players can appreciate the Greek charm in mythology. In the game, important gods and famous heroes from Greek mythology will also appear one by one.
(2) In the special equipment game, a powerful randomly generated equipment system is used, allowing players to obtain ever-changing equipment and upgrade it with gems. In conjunction with the equipment system, the game has a light effect display system that supports various levels of equipment at different stages.
(3) The divine system allows players to establish divine altars in each guild they establish in the game. Players can worship gods in these divine altars and gain powerful divine grace feats, enjoying the ultimate pleasure in battles.
5. Game content
(1) There are a total of 4 professions in the professional system game, including high defense warriors, high attack warriors, multi range damage mages, and auxiliary priests
(2) In skill magic games, there are single piercing skills that can cause high damage and magic that can cause sustained damage to a designated area within a certain range
(3) In faction system games, players need to make a choice between the two factions of Athens and Sparta when creating characters, and participate in the faction confrontation.
(4) In the task system game, players can learn about the stories between factions through the main task, and completing various entrusted tasks can help players further understand the Greek mythological world.
(5) Interactive system games have interactive functions such as making friends, teams, and guilds, which can ensure good interaction among players in the game.
(6) The game scenes are all famous scenes from Greek mythology, and the game scenes include some dungeon scenes.
(7) The operational activity game will include special task NPCs, activity maps, arenas, and other functions that support operational activities.
GODS THRONE, a 2.5D online game set in Greek mythology, has finally unveiled its mysterious veil. Afterwards, we will continue to provide the latest news and exciting pictures about "GODS THRONE" on the forum, so that players who are following this game can stay updated on its development process, testing and recruitment, and other latest developments. Players can also communicate and interact with official and other players through forums.





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