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GODS THRONE Background Story

2023-2-27 09:29| 查看: 5446| 评论: 0
摘要: GODS THRONE Background Story

Game Introduction - Background Story

GODS THRONE - Game Introduction
Background StoryGame Introductiontwo campsCareer Introduction
game interfaceCreate a characterNewbie TaskEquipment usage
Automatic pathfindingGame BattleShortcut keysNovice Gift Pack

                The game takes place in the mysterious era of ancient Greek mythology. Although the entire Greece is ruled by the king of the gods, Zeus, and appears to be peaceful, in reality, due to the discord between the goddess of wisdom Athena and the god of war Ares, the two camps of Athens and Sparta, who respectively believe in these two gods, have been in a state of constant conflict. Due to the fact that both of them were important gods, it was inconvenient for the gods to intervene in this dispute. As a result, Greece was plagued by wars everywhere... In times of chaos, heroes emerged, and this continent eagerly awaited the birth of new heroes to lead their respective peoples out of the chaos and write the greatest chapter of Greek civilization

               In this world, players can travel to various destinations in Greek mythology, see majestic temples, experience legendary Greek cities, and even visit the territories of gods, reaching heaven and earth; Players can see heroes from Greek mythology, such as Hercules, Theseus, and Isazon, and perhaps even gods from Greek mythology at some point; Players can challenge the monsters in Greek mythology, such as Medusa, Hydra.





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