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GODS THRONE Buy points

2023-2-27 09:30| 查看: 13529| 评论: 0
摘要: GODS THRONE Buy points
GODS THRONE how to Buy points

Game value linkclick to enter Member

Buy points Teaching

2.After logging in to your account, click Buy points

3.Only when you log off according to the prompts can you deposit the gold into your account. You must log off before recharging.

Select stored value amount type (You can choose the amount and quantity so you can flexibly match)

5.Choose your country and choose the payment method you think is convenient and fast

International players restricted by geographical location please click the link below to enter the discord group to view detailed tutorials on Neosurf payment channels. DisCord Teaching:https://discord.com/channels/1108211053868896336/1175710990613094451





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