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GODS THRONE Player Communication and Discussion Regulations

2023-2-27 08:31| 查看: 2303| 评论: 0
摘要: GODS THRONE Player Communication and Discussion Regulations
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GODS THRONE Player Communication Regulations
1. Do not use any system or tool to maliciously damage or modify the game
2. Do not use program bugs in the game
3. Do not use plugins or scripts
4. Do not abuse bugs without reporting
5. Do not spread negative effects and rumors related to servers within the game
6. Please do not make public statements or discuss political topics in games or communication software
7. Please do not impersonate administrator customer service. Please change your name upon inquiry
8. Do not intentionally insult administrators and customer service in DC/QQ/games without reason
9. Abuse of game benefits has a negative impact, including all associated accounts. Abuse of game benefits includes but is not limited to the following scenarios: opening multiple accounts to collect game gifts for use by other accounts.

Any verbal abuse with the full name/abbreviation of the country or region
The allowed ones are:
1. The guild earns people by country or region
2. Searching for Friends by Country and Region
3. Abbreviations that are not orthodox, such as Xiang G (not popular for risk control)

Violation penalties | The official has the right to change the punishment system according to the situation
In game:
First time, block the game account for 3 days
Second, block the game account for 7 days
Third, permanently banned game account
Serious insults and direct blockade

Management Statement
GODS THRONE Declaration
The management will never participate in player private disputes or transactions.
When responding to questions/game proposals, please also maintain rational communication with the management.
The management will not compensate for any personal negligence that results in personal theft, damage/loss/inability to obtain game props normally.





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